miércoles, octubre 31, 2007

lucy will v. 2

lucy i made you a drawing
i made you the sky
let me crawl into yr bedroom
this is gonna be alright

lucy will wake
lucy will forget all about me
lucy will speak
lucy won't think
what's good for me

i'm waiting for that moment
i have all the answers
waiting in my hand
i will rescue
i will rescue
i will stop yr fall
we will get a set of wings

e-mail changed my life
i was just a simple man
then you ran into mine
i got you in time
now i'll keep you by my side

i will keep watch
there's no need to speak
i can remember each bite
and i can wait
oh yes i can

a chance to

there is light and there is me
i've carried this plot for as long
as you made me think i was free

i will build it
i will build it

all you happy faces
trying to escape alive
there is something i can tell you
all of you will be dead tonight

the way is hard
i have no choice
the perfect crime
my territory

i will build it
i will build it

a chance to become another

viernes, octubre 19, 2007

los llamarada - the very next moment 7” [s-s, 2007]

Uncategorized — Brock on October 18, 2007 at 3:42 pm

"Mexican trash punk anyone? Looks like these kids finally found their way into a studio. Their debut LP was a straight up bathroom recording, but this thing is “polished.” Did that synth did shit out? Its putterin’ and a mutterin’, but Los Llamarada got their hooks in the blues! You heard smacks of it in the LP, but with sonic “clarity,” structured abounds in “The Very Next Moment.” Austere and flippant. The flip side is a cover of Brenda Lee’s “Im Sorry.” Add buzzy guitars and a french accent and you got a total bummer session. Great 7″ to end the year right." The trashcan confessional.

martes, octubre 16, 2007

Reseñas del nuevo single

"Los Llamarada
“The Very Next Moment” b/w “I'm Sorry” 7”

Los Llamarada's LP from earlier this year, The Exploding Now, didn't really prepare me for the heat they'd bring to this new single. These are studio recordings that unmask their murk, revealing a downright surly ownership of the blues. “The Very Next Moment” dribbles poison ink over a dominant, plundering, beaten-mean countenance, speeding up just enough at the end to recall Catholic Discipline with a more contained vocal presence, or the Fall or Country Teasers at their most misanthropic. Bad politics, baby. The loose banging out of Peggy Lee's “I'm Sorry” caps this perfect - yes, perfect - single off with a breathless female vocal rant, purposed above a ramshackle, gleefully scattered two-chord tumble. Part of the “new sound” you've been hearing. This world is a great place for a few minutes. Edition of 600 - up there with this year's best.
(www.s-srecords.com)" Dusted Magazine

"Los Llamarada - The Very Next Moment 7"
Back in the day when I had guests, I played the The Exploding Now, then take a walk around the block. Let them get acquainted. More often than not, I'd return to patches of blood, the needle riding the label like a worn out mechanical bull. Jesus, what a record. Licks the gel out of your hair and spits a rat poison tapenade in your pasty visage. How does Scott Soriano still have 25 copies left? What are y'all up to? Nice sleeve, good slice of ivory wax...you can't feel empeethrees, even with your fancy Audio Research studio-cooled speakers. You can't invite the heathens over on IM! Let'em in the front door! Write the check! You smart-marks can cash it, trust.
Or, in the meantime, you can pick up this, their latest missive. The title cut sticks their rumbly Ut and Mars thang between thick gooey slices of A-Frames stomploaf. Lovely synth peppering, too. Someone tell the dudes at Mutant Sounds! Cheveu fans oughta open their hearts for this one. Although, I should add, they've either moved up to a studio or someone hooked them up with the dopest boombox this side of a JVC in 85 because this don't sound like their usual Pixelvision fidelity. Don't mind it a bit, though. That lil number's keeps me warm just thinking of the Monterrey sun warming their leaky basement. Nothing like Robocoppin' in a droptop on a humid night. But that's another yarn.
And the B-side is...wow. Brenda Lee's "I'm Sorry" always seemed like the kind of shit someone shouts up to a 4th-story window in the wee-smalls with one hand on their sweaty heart and one on some E-dub--but never was before. Evil truckstop karaoke at it's finest. So annoying you'll never forgive again.
Live-r than most." Fuck You, Counselor Blog

Los Llamarada's follow up to their delectable debut lp (The Exploding Now') is a solid 2 banger out now on the S-S label. The a-side ('The Very Next Moment') is a fried chizzler that conjures up every Punk deviant from the Germs to Brainbombs while the flip is a cover of the Brenda Lee classic 'I'm Sorry' & in their futurisic attempt to convey a somnombulistic redo, they have effectively butchered it into the summer-bummer, goodbye hit for the twilight's last gleamin of 2007." Siltblog!

sábado, octubre 13, 2007

Y la tascam?

Por si acaso.

jueves, octubre 11, 2007

Lucy will (After M)

lucy i made you a drawing
i made you the sky
let me crawl into yr bedroom
this is gonna be alright

lucy will wake
lucy will forget all about me
lucy will speak
lucy won't think
what's good for me
i'm waiting for the moment

i'm waiting for that moment
i have all the answers
waiting in my hand
i will rescue
i will rescue
i will stop yr fall
we will get a set of wings

lucy, you will kill
lucy, you will forget about me
1 1 1 1 1
are you sorry are you sorry
are you enjoying yr new face

an empty roof
a deadly fall
a dress not transparent

i will keep watch
there's no need to speak
i can repeat each word you say
i can remember each bite
i'm still waiting
i'm still wanting
i can make it good again

lucy, can you wake?
lucy, can you feel?
lucy, can you forget about me?

lucy will kill
lucy won't think
lucy won't say
lucy won't speak
lucy will

wanna hear you now
wanna hear you now
wanna hear you now

miércoles, octubre 10, 2007

Radiohead - In rainbows

Escuchando el...
15 step. Nice. Aquellos niños gritando.
Bodysnatchers. Un buen rockcín. Un poco de ruido.
Apenas va el track 3 y ya está lloriqueando Thom Yorke.
Qué tal lo demás? U2 con distintos pedales.
All I need. Nice drums al final.
Faust Arp. Entonces, la onda es...
Jigsaw falling into place. Heynoestá tanmal. Susritmitospatentados. Lavocecitaenloqueciendo.
Videotape. Hasta que se acabó.
Todo muy propio y acomodado.

miércoles, octubre 03, 2007

Otra de los Llamarada en un blog francés

"SS Records est encore allé dénicher un groupe bruitiste inconnu de tous et cette fois il a poussé jusqu’au pays des sombreros et de la tequila. Los Llamarada (le premier qui a prononcé Lamarada, je vais lui filer des cours d’espagnol) sont originaires de Monterey et naviguent en pleine néo-post-wave bruitiste.

Après une intro qui n’est pas sans faire penser aux possédés de Radikal Satan, les chansons s’enfilent et me font beaucoup penser à tous les groupes du Centre d’hygiène de l’Est (A.H. Kraken, The Anals) ou à la no wave new yorkaise du début des années 80 (Teenage Jesus, Mars). Rampantes, sales, elles sont comme les rumeurs glauques que tu entendais quand tu étais encore imberbe et naïf. Tu sais celle de la femme qui aimait beaucoup son chien, celle du petit retrouvé dans la forêt dans un drôle d’état ou encore celle du demeuré qui habitait en face de chez toi. Le son est tout aussi dégueulasse et rappelle aussi ces cassettes moultes fois copiées que tu chérissais comme des trésors perdus quelques années après avoir cauchemardé des nuits durant en pensant aux sordides rumeurs. La deuxième face s’apaise à peine, en mettant les synthés wave à l’honneur. Une brise glaciale dans l’air étouffant votre cervelet..

A ranger dans le haut du panier des sorties SS Records.

(9/10)" Link