lunes, julio 23, 2007

Los LLamarada en WFMU

La estación de New Jersey es uno de los lugares donde más han tocado canciones del LP de vinil, The Exploding Now.

En el mes de junio alcanzamos a salir en la lista de lo más tocado ... Va la listota para que vean más o menos qué clase de material ponen ahí... estamos al final :)

WFMU Heavy Airplay List

Compiled by Music/Program Director Brian Turner.

Various - Shimauta Pops (Polystar)
Bernard Parmegiani - Chants Magnetiques (Fractal)
Various - Psychedelic Phinland (Love)
La Driver Union Por Por Group - Por Por: Honk Horn Music of Ghana (Smithsonian)
Various - Can't Stop It 2: Australian Post Punk (Chapter)
Tinariwen - Aman Iman: Water Is Life (World Village)
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver (Capitol)
Various - DIY: Do It Yourself (Soul Jazz)
Daphne Oram - Oramics (Paradigm)
Panda Bear - Person Pitch (Paw Tracks)
Various - Eccentric Soul: Twinight's Lunar Rotation (Numero)
Richard Pinhas - Single Collection 1972-80 (Captain Trip)
Jennifer Gentle - A New Astronomy (A Silent Place)
Various - Awon Ojise Olorun (Savannahphone)
Biz Markie - Make the Music With Your Mouth Biz (Cold Chillin')
Various - Bombay Connection 2: Bombshell Baby of Bombay (Normal)
Lucrate Milk - Lucrate Milk (FZM)
Baby Grandmothers - Baby Grandmothers (Subliminal Sound)
Pentliczek - Pentliczek (Setola DiMaiale)
Witch - Lazy Bones!! (Teal)
George Korein - Too Many Days (G Peacific)
Ted Leo & Pharmacists - Living With the Living (Touch and Go)
Soft Circle - Full Bloom (Eastern Development)
Adam Bohman- Bunhill Row (Paradigm)
William Parker and Hamid Drake - First Communion + Piercing the Veil (AUM Fidelity)
Sun Ra All-Stars Band - Hiroshima (Art Yard)
Tickley Feathers / Serpents of Wisdom - Split 7" (Badmaster)
Various - Orchestre Mecchaniche Italiane (Snowdonie)
Vladimir Ussachevsky - Electronic and Acoustic Works (New World)
Los Llamarada - The Exploding Now (S-S)